The Checkmate (2022-) series is a collection of playfully unplayable games, starting from the confrontation between International chess and Xiang chess. Through the pictographic characters, the project delves into metaphors of worldly images and universal truths.
MADE IN TAIWAN (2018-2022) takes the shoe as a metaphor for the Taiwanese identity, a vessel necessary if not obligatory. In the five-year project, the artist carves all her shoe soles and leave footprints in everyday travels to evoke linguistic and geopolitical imaginations.
Earthtrotter (2020) captures a moment in the years-long performative project of MADE IN TAIWAN where the artist leaves footprints in everyday travels to evoke linguistic and geopolitical imaginations. Symbolic of the homeland, unfired Taiwanese clay brings spotlight to the foundation that supports and records the weight of humans.
Marks of Success turns wooden chairs into stamps for the butt, imprinting familiar (re)marks of excellence awarded by the book-cramming educational system.